Charlotte Outdoor Living: Design + Build: Ideas, tips and advice for living the Green Life and enjoying the outdoors!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
They were very patient with us when we had to trouble shoot various aspects of the project. With a project this size, there were going to be situations that needed to be addressed, and Darin was always willing to work through those concerns with a reasonable outcome that met out individual needs. His staff was always prompt, courteous, worked efficiently and professionally. The makeover of our yard was dramatic, and out neighbors, family and even strangers have commented on how great it looks. The sod came in wonderfully, and the areas that required special treatment, repair or replacement were taken care of without hesitation or question.
Due to our tremendous satisfaction with this phase of work completed, we are into a second level of project with landscaping renovation and shrubbery replacement. We look forward to the outcome of this project, and have complete faith that we will be equally satisfied. We highly recommend Metro-Green Scape to anyone who has a desire to transform their outdoor living space, whether it is a small or large project.
Thank you
The Beaudoin Family
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Blairs.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Heather & Adam Collins
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The work was professionally done and in a timely manner. The backyard was returned to its original way and I was very pleased overall in the way the porch was put together. The colors go beautifully. Now all we have to do is get some patio furniture and we are ready for summer cookouts!
Thank you for everything you have done in the past and we look forward to working with you in the future.
Irene Saylor
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I just wanted to you to know how much I like the landscape. I can’t wait until all the grass comes in. I am looking forward to using the back yard quite a bit. Thanks again and tell your employees what a good job they did.
Wanda Howze
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Once I met Darin and heard his suggestions I was impressed. After doing some research, I was sure Metro-GreenScape, Inc would be my best choice even though their plan was not the least expensive. I chose them because I totally trusted them to do the best job.
When the date they finally came to start work, I already had a 4 day trip planned. I didin’t cancel my trip, because I was confident that everything would be O.K. When I returned, my patio was almost finished.
The crew who worked on my patio were very nice and efficient. I would highly recommend Metro-GreenScape, Inc. to anyone wanting landscaping done. You can rest assured that Darin & Heather will keep you posted on everything and if they say they will do something, they will do it
Iris Perez
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Bernard V McGraw
District Manager
Ford Motor Company
Monday, November 30, 2009
Mr. Walden
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Last week was honestly the most fun I’ve had in years. There is something neat about working toward a goal and being able to actually see the result when you finish. My job doesn’t give you the same tangible results after the fact. As I get older I seem to appreciate the difference even more.
I sincerely hope that you and Heather continue to have success and grow your company and achieve your goals. If we can be of help in offering referrals or showing the patio area to any of your prospects, we would be more than happy to do so. Just ask!
Please pass on my words of thanks to the crew. They were terrific. We feel very lucky to have Jose as a job foreman. His expertise, ideas and recommendations were great and his skills at laying the random pattern will provide us with enjoyment for a long time.
Well, that’s all I have to say. If anything comes up I will call. Otherwise, I will be in touch when it’s time to take on the next project!
Crews and Linda
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Landscaping Is Cool!
Outdoor Living Expert
Metro GreenScape, Inc
Landscaping isn’t always just for show. A well-designed landscape will not only add beauty to your yard but it also can reduce your cooling costs. Sound far-fetched? Let me explain!
Every day, that sun is beating down on you and your home. The rays of the sun are absorbed through windows and roofs, making your home hotter and making your cooling costs rise. You can diminish your summer heating costs by populating your lawn with shade trees. They don’t have to be gigantic, they can be simple bushes or trees that block the sun from heating up your first floor or second floor windows.
Shading and evapotranspiration* from trees will lower surrounding temperatures as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit! Because cooler air moves lower to the ground, the air underneath your trees will be sometimes as much as 20 degrees cooler! Imagine what that can mean in a Charlotte August! Trees often tend to keep moisture under their canopies as well, so while it might be a tad more humid, your grass will survive a blistering drought better then your neighbors. Shrubs, and ground cover plants can also shade the ground and pavement, reducing heat in the air before it reaches your home.
Now to use shade trees properly, you should consult with an landscape expert about size, location, shape and most importantly – type of tree! There are several different types of tree that will work for any home in any region, but you should find the proper one for your land.
To help with your heating costs, trees and bushes can be a buffer from the elements too. Heavy winds sometimes pull out the heat from a home, and trees can act as extra protection during wicked winters.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Jeanie Reinsel
Jerry Neel
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thanks so much. The guys that came to do the job were very nice and they cleaned everything
up. I was very impressed.
Thanks so much.
Donna Nielsen
Friday, November 13, 2009
Testimonial for Metro GreenScape!
Thanks for the great job Metro GreenScape did on our patio.
The enjoyment we get from it is made better by the fact that you gave us such a great price, and the construction process was quick and painless, with a absolute minimum of damage to the yard.
I have attached a couple of pictures.
Thanks again,
Rick and Pam Garcia
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Milton W. Grenfell
Thursday, November 5, 2009
—almost unheard of!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
D & J
Friday, October 30, 2009
Mike and Michelle
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Best of luck in the future. God Bless!
John Holloway
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
We have worked with several landscape companies over the years and you are by far the best company that will return calls in a timely manner and finished their work in the time period that was agreed upon. We will continue to recommend your company to neighbors and friends in the future and Metro-GreenScape will be the first landscape company that we call when we are
in need of landscape assistance.
Brad and Renee Deweese
Monday, October 19, 2009
COUPON: $50 off Fall Maintenance

Fall Clean-up
Our Fall Yard Maintenance Services Go Way Beyond Leaf Removal!
It's that time of the year – Fall Yard Clean-up time! Metro GreenScape is your professional neighborhood landscape choice. Download our new Fall Maintenance Services Flyer by clicking here!
Get a FREE $250 Fall Maintenance Package when you sign a one-year lawn maintenance agreement with Metro GreenScape! Ask us about the details!
Fall Maintenance Services Menu
- Leaf Removal - Flower Bed Clean up - Outdoor Lighting & Irrigation Check-ups - Trimming Shrubbery
Fall Maintenance Plan Three: $250 if you schedule by Nov. 30, 2009!Pick one choice from above. Includes hauling of all debris. (4 hours)
Fall Maintenance Plan Two: $475 if you schedule by Nov. 30, 2009!Pick two choices from above. Includes hauling of all debris. (8 hours)
Fall Maintenance Plan One: $850 if you schedule by Nov. 30, 2009! Includes all services listed above and hauling of all debris. (16 hours)
“Good Neighbor” Team Plan: Team up with your next door neighbor and split a package between the two of you!
(Prices are based on a normal 1/4 to 1/3 acre yard.) Call us at 704-504-0980 to schedule your annual Fall clean-up and reserve the best times for you!
Follow this LINK for $50 off Fall Maintenance with Metro GreenScape!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
He had some dirt left over, but used that to add another area that was not in the original estimate.
When they left, my driveway was cleaner than when they arrived. They were also careful
not to damage any existing plants or trees. I definitely recommend them.
Tom Kelly
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Rick and Vick Burn
Monday, October 5, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
-Gary Canupp
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Katie Culpepper
Charlotte Home Staging Expert: Marcyne Touchton

Times are tough, but despite that, homes are selling. It is a buyer's market and we have an overflow of inventory of homes for sale. Your home has to STAND OUT and be set apart from the competition.
TOP 5 things you can do
Driver-by's must be able to pass by your home with the thought, "that was a pretty home, I wonder what the inside looks like." Regularly cut the grass, trim the hedges, rake the leaves, sweep the sidewalks and power-wash the driveway if you need to. Have a few pretty potted plants for a pop of color. Make sure everything dead is pulled out or replaced. Don't forget to replace dead looking, brown pine needs - it's a cheap fix and gives you a lot of bang for the bucks.
According to Barb Schwarz, the pioneer and founder of says, "clutter eats equity." Go through each room, with 2 boxes per room. Don't forget the family room, kitchen, and office, they are all considered a room. Label each box, "keep" and "Donate." Take everything off the shelves, tables, and start tossing into the boxes. Go back to the keep box and grab only a few decorative pieces you think you will use to "stage" the house room by room. Everything else in the "keep" box you end up not needing, pack it up so you will be ready for move day. It makes the moving process easier as well - and keeps your moving bill lower!
You can have 3 items per hard area, but no more. If you have a lamp, plant, and book, on top of a table, that is well balanced. If you have 10 things, it would be overdone. The 3 things should be grouped together to make a triangle shape.
The first impression people make is from the moment a person walks in to the home. Go to the doorway, and open your door as if you are a prospective buyer. Soak it in, them eliminate all the clutter that is preventing you from seeing the nice moulding, the wide hallway, the hardwood floors, etc.
This is something all ASP Stagers are taught from day one. A properly staged home should be immaculate - "Q-Tip Clean, " as Schwarz puts it. "It means getting dead flies out of your windowsill and going around the bottom of your toilet on the floor," she says. The purpose of ensuring the house is spotless is more than simply making it presentable. If a home is unkempt, a buyer will wonder what other, less visible problems may come with the property," Schwarz says. "They'll say, 'Gosh, if they live like this, what don't they take care of that I can't see?"
If you need further help and would like a FREE assessment, please do not hesitate to call Marcyne Touchton, ASP, ASPM, IAHSP. 704.905.6343. or email:
Friday, September 25, 2009
Billy Ginn
Sunday, September 20, 2009
- Angie Seiber
Friday, September 18, 2009
Some Upcoming Metro GreenScape Events!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 Noon - 1 pm
Bringing Your Garden to Light
Location: The Wren Room at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden
Admission: Free with Garden admission!
Join Heather Brockelbank, Chief Designer at Metro GreenScape, for an exciting look at how the beautiful and dramatic impact outdoor lighting can have on your home and landscape. See how simple lighting principles can increase visibility and safety, and enhance your landscape features. Lighting projects will be presented to help you understand the design process.
Saturday, October 10, 2009 10 a.m. - Noon
Outdoor Lighting for the Home Landscape
Location: TBD at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden
Admission: Members $15, Non-members $18
Join Heather Brockelbank, Chief Designer at Metro GreenScape, as she shows you how outdoor lighting can do wonders for your home and landscape, bringing 'to light' its true beauty! Learn how to design outdoor lighting that not only adds beauty and is aesthetically pleasing, but adds value to your home. Also learn how to set up a low voltage outdoor lighting system that will keep your costs low, which type of lighting to use for your home, and more!
Listen to Metro GreenScape on the Radio!

Coming up, you can hear us on WBT on the Your Real Estate Today Program Saturdays 2-3pm 1110AM September 19, October 24, November 14, December 19.
Metro GreenScape has been on WBT several times in the past year. You can hear podcasts of these interviews by going to the WBT Website.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Metro GreenScape Fall Update
Well, the kids are back to school and the days are getting shorter and here at Metro GreenScape we are starting to think about the Fall!
Fall Maintenance and Aeration services are especially important at this time of year, but it is also a great time for you to think about that patio or porch. If adding an outdoor living space is in your future--now is the time to get it started!
Also our next Green Life Event, "Bring Your Garden to Light" will be October 6th from noon-1pm at the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden. Then on October 10th, we will be at Daniel Stowe again for a session on outdoor lighting. Details on both events below.
We look forward to seeing or hearing from you soon!
Heather Brockelbank
Chief Designer, NCLC#1624, CPP, CLD, NCGC
Metro GreenScape
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Rarely have I worked with someone with such professionalism in this field of service. You take great pride in what you do and that is very apparent in both the appearance of my lawn and your quickness in resolving any issue that has arisen. I appreciate your attention to detail even down to the dress and appearance of those in your employ.
You have been extremely honest and forthright with any questions or concerns that I have had and I find that very refreshing!
I will, of course, continue to recommend Metro-GreenScape to anyone in need of quality landscaping or lawn care.
-S. Worley
Sunday, September 6, 2009
-Amy E. Simpson
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Charlotte Area Fall Lawn Maintenance

Again this year, we are offering a full line of Fall lawn maintenance services for our clients with average yard sizes starting from $475!
Fall maintenace includes mulching, weeding, & cleaning and prepping of all beds, as well as installation of Fall annual color, and professional leaf removal! Please call us at 704-504-0980 to reserve your Fall maintenance and clean-up times today!
Aeration service alone from $75. Click here to see the complete details!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Last spring, I had the opportunity to invest in some new landscaping. Heather worked diligently with me to find out what I wanted, and carefully mapped out and itemized each phase of the project. And when the team arrived to dig and plant, it was like watching a close-knit family at work. I was consulted each step of the way as I watched my landscaping dreams become reality.
I continue to receive excellent service. My phone calls are returned promptly and courteously. It is with absolute confidence that I can recommend Metro-GreenScape.
-Brenda Miles
Upcoming MGS Daniel Stowe Events
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 Noon - 1 pm
Bringing Your Garden to Light
Location: The Wren Room at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden
Admission: Free with Garden admission!
Join Heather Brockelbank, Chief Designer at Metro GreenScape, for an exciting look at how the beautiful and dramatic impact outdoor lighting can have on your home and landscape. See how simple lighting principles can increase visibility and safety, and enhance your landscape features. Lighting projects will be presented to help you understand the design process.
Saturday, October 10, 2009 10 a.m. - Noon
Outdoor Lighting for the Home Landscape
Location: TBD at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden
Admission: Members $15, Non-members $18
Join Heather Brockelbank, Chief Designer at Metro GreenScape, as she shows you how outdoor lighting can do wonders for your home and landscape, bringing 'to light' its true beauty! Learn how to design outdoor lighting that not only adds beauty and is aesthetically pleasing, but adds value to your home. Also learn how to set up a low voltage outdoor lighting system that will keep your costs low, which type of lighting to use for your home, and more!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Mr. & Mrs. Stone (Mooresville)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
One of the most endearing qualities about Metro-GreenScape is their accessibility. Whether it’s Ledna, Heather, or Darin, there is always someone there to answer your questions or needs. In today’s world of business, personal communication means everything and Metro-GreenScape understands that. That is why I highly recommend Metro-GreenScape to be your lawn care provider. If you are like me and desire a lush green lawn, then there is only one lawn care company to get you started in the right direction and that is Metro-GreenScape.
-The Nagers
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Stop by our booth and see our Spool, a small swimming pool that looks like a pond! Homeowners can enjoy the cool water in a clean, chlorinated pool, but at first glance this pool resembles a pond with large boulders and cascading water over a grotto! You may know Spool by another name, Swim Pond.
We also have free tickets to give away.
Just call us at 704-504-0980 for your free tickets! Click here to visit the Southern Ideal Home Show website.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Metro GreenScape Landscape Design Plans
Designing outdoor living spaces is a relatively new art and one we take very seriously! This is where a great deal of investment can come as there are abundant products and materials that can be included in the design. When designing outdoor living spaces, our designers include aspects like:
-->How will you use the space?
-->How many people will use the space at one time?
-->Do you want to use the space through all 4 seasons?
-->How much time will you spend using the space?
-->Do you want the outdoor space to mimic existing interior design themes?
-->What kind of hobbies do you pursue around your desired outdoor living space?
-->How important is shading or overhead coverage?
-->What type of plant life do you want to have?
-->Have you considered incorporating a water element into the design?
-->Would you like to use natural or synthetic product materials?
Our designers look at the entire picture of how you want to eventually use your new outdoor living space and plan for the future. If you are in the Charlotte, NC area, call 704-504-0980 to set up your Landscape Design meeting today!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Upcoming events from Metro GreenScape
Then on September 16th we will be sponsoring an event to teach Realtors how their clients can get better down payment options with Home Services Lending.
Our next Green Life Event, "Bring Your Garden to Light" will be October 6th from noon-1pm at the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden. Then on October 10th, we will be at Daniel Stowe again for a session on outdoor lighting. Details on both events coming soon.
Check our Outdoor Living Website.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Ask Darin: Bermuda Sod
Metro GreenScape Newsletter Archive

Monday, July 20, 2009
METRO GREENSCAPE: Best of Charlotte

The USLBA recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country. Each year, USLBA identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and community.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Add a beautiful pergola to your outdoor living space

Pergolas are a great way to bring the inside out. With a beautiful pergola your garden and entertaining area will become more intimate and comfortable on those days when you need to get out of the house or are having a few friends around.
Benefits of pergolas:
-->Add interest to a garden path.
-->Add structure for climbing plants.
-->Provide weather protection.
-->Improve the look of your house.
-->Screen out unsightly views.
The design of your pergola will depend on its function. Narrow pergolas emphasize direction and are best suited to paths and walkways. Entertaining areas should be wide and long. This allows for traffic flow around furniture and ornamental features. You could incorporate fixed seating into the structure or screening panels to create interest.
We recommend when possible, you choose cedar instead of pressure-treated lumber. Cedar is often more costly, but will maintain its shape and integrity longer. Labor for both types of construction are the same and the cedar is a better investment in your outdoor living space.
An open Patio with a Pergola feels like room within a room. Adding any vertical will give a sense of closure, filter sun, and bring comfort to your outdoor living space. If you want additional fun-filtering, you can add lattice or opposite 1x6 slate of lumber. You can even attach a fan to create a nice breeze!
You have many style options, including decorative ends. However, you should be aware that these ends should not extend over 12 inches from the structure to avoid warping.
Pergolas can be installed year-round in the Carolinas, so anytime is a good time to add one of these beautiful pieces to your outdoor space.
Check out our Pergola page on our website
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Outdoor Living Consultations
A paverstone patio may make more sense in one place and not in another--a shade covering may be a better choice over a pergola (or vice versa!).
With Metro GreenScape, you are getting a wealth of experience and knowledge with will allow you to make the best decision for you, your family, and the investment into your home.
Consultations with an expert outdoor living specialist are available for $75. Call 704-504-0980 to set up your consultation today!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Ask Darin: There is fungus in my mulch!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Ask the Expert: Home Staging

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
NEWS: Metro GreenScape is a Top 100 Business!
Heather Brockelbank, Metro GreenScape president, today announced that Metro GreenScape was named a 2009 Top 100 Small Business in North Carolina and was ranked #63.
For the second consecutive year, Business Leader Media has ranked the Top 100 Small Businesses in North Carolina. These businesses were chosen from over 284 nominations and represent companies that have demonstrated significant business achievement and community involvement within the state of North Carolina.
Read More about Charlotte's own Metro GreenScape's Top 100 award!
The Top 100 rankings were announced at the 2009 Top 100 NC Small Business Event on June 17th at the Charlotte Marriott Executive Park.
Monday, June 15, 2009
June 11th Butterfly Garden Installed at McDowell Park in Charlotte

Metro GreenScape's celebrated Summer with McDowell Nature Park and the Charlotte Community!
Monday, June 1, 2009
MetroCHOICE - Charlotte's Organic Premium Lawn and Landscape Maintenance
MetroCHOICE™ Organic Premium Lawn Care Program Your lawn and landscaping are generally the first views that people have of your home. What do they see? Is it what you want them to see? Is it what you want to see?! We are the experts in lawn and landscape maintenance.
And our MetroCHOICE™ Organic Premium Lawn Care Program is designed to give you access to experts on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually basis!
Programs start from $225 monthly for a typical 1/3-acre lawn.
Metro GreenScape
13601 South Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28278
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Ask the Expert: Curb Appeal

Rich Ferretti
Broker/Realtor, NC/SC
I work with home buyers all the time who make snap decisions about properties just based on what they initially see as we drive up. Things like recently mowed grass, fresh mulch and blooming flowers make a huge difference to buyers, who will sometimes refuse to even go inside a home if the curb appeal isn't there.If you are considering selling your home in the next few months, think about how your home looks to someone looking at it for the first time. Are the sidewalks, walkways, driveways and patios free of cracks? Are there colorful flowers and well-edged flower beds? Do the gutters need cleaning, or the siding pressure-washed?
Curb appeal is an important factor in home selling. It increases values and decreases time spent on the market. Nothing can make a bigger difference in the sale process than great exterior home staging, and no one does it better than Metro GreenScape!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Charlotte Exterior Home Staging
Our Exterior Home Staging Team offers three different plans to help give your home that extra curb appeal!
Below are details about our Bronze Staging package (Typical 1/3-acre property size) This package includes a combination of the following exterior enhancements:
1) Six (6) flats of annuals, placed in pots on each side of the front steps or door, and the rest planted in the front to showcase the mailbox area.
2) Weeds pulled 20 feet on each side of the front door entrance way.
3) Re-edging of 60 feet of flower beds.
4) Pine straw distributed over 500 square feet of flower beds.
5) Removal of all yard debris and debris from our project.
6) Spot seeding of the front yard.
7) Cob webs removed from the side of the home.
8) Pressure washing of the walkway up to front door or front focal point.
9) Gutters checked for debris and clog checked at bottom spouts.
10) Trimming of up to ten shrubs if under 2 feet tall.
Cost for Bronze Staging Package is $750.00.
If you are interested in learning more about this, or our other available Charlotte area home staging packages, please call us at 704.504.0980.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Charlotte Spring Lawn and Landscape Clean-Up

Do you need assistance with Spring lawn and landscape maintenance?
Metro GreenScape is now offering maintenance and seasonal preparation services, including:
· Leaf Removal
· Weed Maintenance, Edging and Organic Fertilization for Flower Beds
· Fall/Spring Mulching· Seasonal Color & Bush/Tree Pruning
· Drainage & Grading· Outdoor Lighting & Irrigation
· Annual Lawn Maintenance Contracts including Fertilization
· Storage Shed Construction· Wooden Deck Construction
· Playground Setup
· Disease and Fungus Control
· General Labor for Household Maintenance, Repair & Odd Jobs
Metro GreenScape
13601 South Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28278
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
April in Charlotte Gardening Tips
Below are a few April Gardening tips to help you get ready for Spring in the Charlotte area:
1.) Prune and fertilize spring-flowering shrubs (azaleas, camellias, laurels, rhododendrons, wisteria) after they have finished blooming. Removal of dead flowers will enhance next year's bloom.
2.) Spring bulbs: When their bloom is over, cut off the flower stem and allow the foliage to mature and die gradually. This allows the bulb to rejuvenate for next year's bloom. Do not fertilize at this time; wait until fall, and again when the first spring growth appears. Summer flowering bulbs that over wintered in the garden should be fertilized when their shoots begin to break out of the soil.
3.) Tender bulbs such as cannas, caladiums, gladioli, and dahlias can be planted after the danger of cold weather has passed.
4.) Lawn care for fescue lawns, increase mower height to 3 ½". Mowing may be needed 2 times/week.
(c) 2009 Metro GreenScape
Charlotte Landscape Design and Build
Call today for more information! 704.504.0980
Friday, March 13, 2009

Be sure to call us at 704-504-0980 and schedule your in-person, on-site consultation with one of our outdoor living design experts this spring!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Read Our Newsletter!
If you would like to sign up for our email newsletter list, get coupons, and valuable outdoor living tips please send us an email at
Thomas Kinkade’s Painting comes to Life at southern Spring & Garden Show
Inspired by Thomas Kinkade’s “Mountain Paradise,” the talented crew from Metro-GreenScape will transform exhibit space 2140, G-5B into a magical living work of art, filled with beautiful flowers, trees, and waterfall. You will be transported to this idyllic land come alive at the hands of skilled outdoor living specialists. Heather from Metro-GreenScape, Inc says, "I didn't think we could top last year’s display, but I think we achieved that! Come see our very creative twist of this painting. There will be nothing else like this display at the show."
The 49th annual Southern Spring Home & Garden Show will be at The Park (formally the Charlotte Merchandise Mart) March 4th – March 8th. The Show will host beautiful landscapes created by 26 top professionals, inspiring designer rooms from the Interior Design Society, exquisite displays of bonsai, Ikebana, and orchids, and over 300 companies with the best and latest in building and home improvement, outdoor living, kitchen and bath, decorative arts and crafts, green building, and interior décor.
Darin Brockelbank, owner of Metro-GreenScape, Inc says, "2009 is going to be an amazing year for outdoor living. With families interested in green solutions and ‘staycations’ what a great opportunity to come out and see how you can make your outside space an oasis with our creative inspirations."
The Metro GreenScape landscape design team invites you down to The Park to come see the Kinkade reproduction and become inspired to jump into your Spring Landscape projects!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
We Just Launched a New Fall Maintenance Division!
Based primarily on existing customer requests, we are now offering special Fall maintenance and seasonal preparation services, including:
· Leaf Removal
· Weed Maintenance, Edging and Organic Fertilization for Flower Beds
· Fall/Spring Mulching
· Seasonal Color & Bush/Tree Pruning
· Drainage & Grading
· Outdoor Lighting & Irrigation
· Annual Lawn Maintenance Contracts including Fertilization
· Storage Shed Construction
· Wooden Deck Construction
· Playground Setup
· Disease and Fungus Control
· General Labor for Household Maintenance, Repair & Odd Jobs
The same care and professionalism that we displayed on the Outdoor Living & Landscaping project at your home will be available to you for all of these new services!
Please call me at 704-504-0980 for special discounts and pricing on our new line of Fall and seasonal services! We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again soon!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Earth Friendly Tips: Get your landscape off chemicals
First, take a soil test. The soil test will give you the ph level of the soil and tell you what nutrients and too high or too low. This will give you a good guide so that you know where to begin with the revitalization. You can then add the correct nutrients and minerals to the soil to correct the issues. Make sure that you are adding organic matter to your soil. Another way to revitalize your soil, take up some of the grass and add native plantings. Plant shrubbery and trees that attract birds and bees that will pollinate plants and control insects. Try to avoid exotic plantings that will crowd out native plantings and destroy current ecosystems.
You will use less fertilizers and your lawn will be healthier if you mow less often. Let the grass grow between 2.5 to 3.5 inches before mowing. Also, the grass clippings are good for the soil. The grass that is being cut away is full of nutrients and once the clippings fall back down to the soil level, it will decompose adding that nutrients back to the soil.
When it comes to weed control, use natural products such as vinegar and water. Try to avoid using chemical products such as Round Up to remove the weeds. Some areas may be better to remove the weeds by hand versus a spray. Also, if you are going to use a weed barrier, find something that will be biodegradable instead of vinyl or plastic which will only cause problems in the future.
Invite nature into your landscape. Install a birdbath or birdhouse. Bats are very good to have around because they eat insects. Installing a bat house will attract them to your landscape area. Bats will help keep insects in control instead of using insecticides which are not healthy for the environment. Also, don’t waste precious natural resources. Compost leaves and fruit and vegetable peelings. These natural resources will break down over time, creating a very nutrient rich compost soil that can be added to planting beds. Capture water off gutters in a rain barrel and use the water to irrigate plantings. Creating nutrient rich soil will also reduce the amount of water that is needed on turf and landscaping because the soil will retain more water instead of the salt content in fertilizers which draw water out and dry the soil.
If you would like to learn more about green living, you may think about joining The Green Life. Check out our website,, to read more about The Green Life, our E-newsletter, meetings, and much more.
(c) 2009 Metro GreenScape
Thursday, February 19, 2009
How and When to Water Your Lawn
There are two basic of sprinkler systems; automatic underground and portable hose sprinklers.
* Automatic lawn irrigation - The most efficient method of irrigating a lawn is through an underground lawn sprinkler system. It is a good investment in your lawn as well as the value of your home. A professionally installed system should be designed for complete and even distribution, have battery back-up for any timing devices, and a rain sensor to stop the system when rain occurs.
* Portable hose sprinklers - Sprinkler systems are less expensive than underground systems. Sprinklers may be either “portable surface” (the most common) requiring moving the sprinkler to each area of the lawn or “traveling sprinkler”, that follows the hose or a cable around the lawn. Both types of sprinklers need frequent observation to avoid mis-application and water waste.
How Much
As a general rule, keeping your lawn healthy requires 1 to 2 inches of water weekly- including rainfall. Water once every 2 to 3 days in dry weather (about ½ inch at each application). Heavy clay soils will require less water and less frequent applications than sandier soils. Water as deeply as possible without causing run-off.
To determine how much water you are applying, ask for our free SuperSod rain gauge. Place gauge midway between the sprinkler and the end of the coverage and check after a planned length of time- approximately ½ hour. Then calculate the total time needed to apply ½ inch.
Follow local irrigation ordinances or restrictions when watering your lawn. Drought tolerant lawn grasses will revive once rainfall occurs or irrigation restrictions are lifted. To be most efficient when watering your lawn, irrigate your lawn:
-->When the air is calm
-->In the early morning hours
-->When the lawn is showing signs of dry wilt-turns off color- usually a gray-green color
When watering:
Water deeply and infrequently. Proper use of sprinkler water will result in a healthier and attractive lawn.
Consider spot watering localized dry spots instead of the entire lawn.
Avoid irrigating until water runs off the lawn surface and on to walks and roads.
Tree shaded areas may require more water to support both trees and turf grasses.
When landscaping:
Select drought tolerant varieties like zoysia, centipede and bermuda grasses.
Reduce steep slopes in lawns so that water does not run off rapidly.
Consider letting the lawn go dormant in drought conditions-zoysia, centipede and Bermuda grass lawns will regenerate once water is more available.
Remove thatch so that the water easily reaches the soil around turf plants.
When fertilizing:
Fertilize lawn at proper rate for your location and turf selection.
Aerate heavy soils to promote better fertilizer and water penetration to lawn roots.
When mowing:
Mow lawn only when needed and avoid scalping.
Always use a sharp blade.
Mow as infrequently as possible.
In drought conditions, mow at a higher cutting height with a sharp blade.
Watering your lawn is the most important part of a successful lawn care program.
Closely trimmed grass has served mankind for centuries. Evidence suggests that lawns were present in China more than 5,000 years ago and that the Mayans and Aztecs had lawns in the New World.
Healthy lawns produce benefits such as:
* Increased property values A well-kept lawn gives a pleasing appearance to residential and commercial properties. Lawns make sports fields and play areas safer.
* Cleaner air Lawns trap more than 23 million tons of dirt and dust annually. Lawns absorb global warming gases. A 50 foot by 50 foot turf are absorbs carbon dioxide; hydrogen fluoride gases and releases enough oxygen to meet the needs of a family of four.
* Cooler air around us The average front lawn provides more than twice the cooling effect if the normal whole house air conditioner fro the same house.
* Prevention of rainfall loss Healthy lawns guard against loss from water runoff and can help control erosion.
(c) 2009 Metro GreenScape